Looking for healing?

If you have experienced feeling bogged down, unsatisfied with life or with spirituality, or simply feeling like there is something more to your existence, you have come to the right place. Reiki is a form of gentle energetic healing and trauma recovery. At RakshaWorks, this gentle force is used to recover lost soul fragments and clear inner obstacles that may be holding you back from well-being. Walk yourself into Love and Wellness with RakshaWorks.

The “Raksha” in RakshaWorks comes from the Sanskrit word root “raksh” (रक्ष्) meaning “to save” or “to protect”. 

About Me

Emily Beissner

Reiki Practitioner

Hello all, I’m Emily, your practitioner here at RakshaWorks. I’ve been interested in metaphysics for as long as I can remember. This has manifested in the study of astrology, tarot, psychopomp or death work, reiki, meditation, and the study of mental health counseling. I value creating a safe, open, and healing environment for the people that I serve, and I place a high priority on transmuting each obstacle in life into a sacred strength. I understand that each person has their own life experiences and needs. I adapt my services to each of these unique needs accordingly. It is an honor to work with you.


Services are available in-person through home visits, or remotely via phone call. Contact rakshaworks1@gmail.com or 210-687-5876 to schedule services. 


San Antonio, Texas